Super Saturday Vaccination Day

This Saturday, the 16th, is Super Saturday, primary care have been called to action to support getting as many people vaccinated as possible.

We have the below planning underway to encourage the community to get their covid vaccination.

  • Super Saturday vaccination day, 16th October, 9am til 4.30pm. At Carefirst Westown, 99 Tukapa Street.
  • Bring friends and family to be vaccinated or come talk with one of our doctors if you have questions.
  • Free sausage in bread for everyone.
  • Free coffee for everyone who gets vaccinated and one for their friend too… from Carley Coffee Cart.
  • $5 from every vaccination given will be donated to the Taranaki Retreat.
  • We have a driver who can pick up and drop off anyone who needs a ride, call the clinic (06) 753 9505 to arrange this.
  • Book your vaccine on, call the clinic or just turn up on the day.

Make an appointment

Learn more about our different appointment types and how to make them.

We're here to help

We care about your health and wellbeing, our goal is to provide excellent primary care services to our patients.


Carefirst Westown

99 Tukapa Street, Westown, New Plymouth PO Box 5002 Westown, 4343 (06) 753 9505

Carefirst Merrilands

Merrilands Shopping Centre, Mangorei Road, New Plymouth 4312 PO Box 18042 Merrilands, 4360 (06) 758 8773

Carefirst Moturoa

486 Saint Aubyn Street, Moturoa, New Plymouth 4310 PO Box 6052 Moturoa, 4344 (06) 751 0390

Carefirst Bell Block

69 Corbett Road, Bell Block, New Plymouth PO Box 9095 Bell Block, 4351 06 968 1440

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